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​You may ask why we offer so many therapeutic options.  The answer is simple.  Every person is different, every injury is different, and they will respond differently to treatment.  Chiropractic care is not "one size fits all." 

Specialties //

Mechanical Adjustment

Mechanical adjustment uses an instrument to deliver a high amplitude low force adjustment to move the bones in a neutral body position. Utilizing this form of adjustment allows the benefits of the adjustment without the popping and cracking.


Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a term that covers multiple soft tissue therapies. Massage, trigger point work, passive range of motion to name a few. These are utilized to release tight muscles, and improve range of motion.



Therapeutic Stretching Protocols

In addition to widely expected outcomes such as increased mobility and range of motion, following therapeutic protocols for stretching also triggers a biologic response, causing tense muscles to relax following the stretch series.  Stretching is also a great way to increase circulation.



Therapeutic Ultrasound 

Therapeutic ultrasound treatment uses sound waves to penetrate soft tissues, increasing circulation, promoting healing and reduce pain. Ultrasound therapy is often used to treat injuries and muscle spasms, as well as chronic issues like neck or back pain.


Electrical Stimulation

Electrical stimulation helps manage pain, edema, and inflammation due to soft tissue irritation from trauma or degenerative changes.  It also helps reduce localized muscle spasms.



Therapeutic Exercise Protocols

Therapeutic exercises can reduce pain while improving muscular strength, balance, and range of motion.



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